If you are looking at this page because you have lost someone you care for or are facing death, please know that we are here to walk with you. We know that the weeks and days around the end of someone's life are difficult and can be overwhelming. This page explains what we are able and privileged to offer to the people of our parishes.

Nothing can separate us from the love of God ...
Prayers and Sacrament for those who are dying...
As churches that stand in the catholic tradition of the church, we recognise and urge people to contact us if they feel that prayers or the last rites would be appropriate for themselves or another person. These final moments with God's presence can bring immense peace and comfort and are freely available to all who have been baptised. Please contact us, at any time of day, to request such a visit.
May we also commend this website 'The Art of Dying Well' which has been created by our brothers and sisters in the Roman Catholic Church https://www.artofdyingwell.org/

Blessed are those who mourn ...
We provide a funeral ministry both inside our churches or at the local crematoriums where we commit the deceased into the arms of a loving God and where we pray to a God who reaches out to all who are grieving. Our clergy are highly experienced in conducting funerals and welcome being able to pray for and accompany families as they prepare to say farewell to people they have loved and lost. We will listen as you tell us the story of the person we are remembering, we can help you to write the eulogy or tribute, then we will put together a service woven through with the words of prayer, scripture, and commendation. To minister to you in the best way, we work closely with your appointed funeral directors to ensure that the funeral is conducted with dignity and elegance.
Please contact the Rector rectioryebb@gmail.com 01323 892964
We also commend this website from the Church of England

Churchyards and Burials...
St Peter's Churchyard is a 'closed churchyard' which means that we are only able to offer the interment of ashes within our memorial garden areas. The current policy of the PCC is that we are not able to offer personalised memorial plaques within the gardens.
St Andrew's Churchyard is an open churchyard which means that we are able to offer spaces for graves to those who have a connection with the parish. We are also open for interments. Matters involving headstones or memorial stones must be directed to The Rector.