Dear Friends of St Peter’s,
It is with mixed feelings that I am announcing that the time has come for me to move on from being Rector of East Blatchington and Bishopstone. I have this week accepted an offer from the Bishop of Chichester to take up a new position as Vicar of Eastbourne, and will be moving on to newly serve Our Lord at St Mary the Virgin in Old Town, Eastbourne.
Discerning this call hasn’t been easy because I have been so privileged and happy to serve in this United Benefice. I have learnt so very much from both parishes as together we have navigated ministry through a time of pandemic lockdowns, war, the death and coronation of the monarch, alongside working to grow and recover ministry in both our parishes. Thank you all for all that you have shared and trusted me with over the last five years. Sharing with you in both the joys and the sorrows has been a privilege.
It is very humbling to be reminded that all the ministry here belongs to God, not to me, and so I trust that as God calls me to another place, God will also call another to be here with you. Arrangements for the vacancy will be ascertained over the coming weeks and though the date for licensing has yet to be finalised, my departure will likely be at some point during July.
Do please pray for our churchwardens, for Rev’d Elizabeth, Fr Joe, Fr Eric, Fr Chris, Kay and Tash Tansley as they prepare to hold the ministry of this place while a new Rector is sought. Please also pray for me, my family and the Parish of Eastbourne, as I will continue to pray for all of you.
God Bless you all,
Rev’d Arwen Folkes

Arwen is to be licensed at St Mary’s, Old Town Eastbourne at 7.30pm on Monday 29th July, which means that Arwen’s last Sunday at Bishopstone will be 16th June, and her final Sunday at St Peter’s will be the 30th June. There will be plenty of space at the licensing, so if you would like to come you would be so very welcome. If you could let Tash in the office know so that she can keep a rough count of numbers for the hospitality team at St Mary’s, that would be helpful.