A steering group has been formed by church, community and civic leaders in Seaford to help coordinate the support and information needed for any future refugee arrivals and their hosts. (You can see the steering group members and overview here. )
Many people are offering support and we recognise that a variety of support will be required to help you succeed; networks, social, material, information, welcome events, and more. We want to support our community in welcoming refugees and engage with all members of our community who are reaching out at this time. Our role is to create the systems needed to support you and those you are supporting. We will be stronger if we to do this together as a community, it will help our new arrivals more quickly find their feet, and establish their stability within a warm welcome.
Our first mission is to assess the scale of what lies ahead and so we need all providers of help - whether of accommodation or other - to enter their details on our database very soon. This information will help us calculate whether we need to prepare support and resources for one, two, or a hundred plus hosts and refugees.
Please please fill in this form and help us equip you, our community, for the task ahead of us all: https://bit.ly/seafordforukraine
Rev’d Arwen Folkes (Chair)
