We have been on such a journey these last six months, a journey which flung us smack bang into the 21st century and all the technology that being in this century offers and entails. Never have either of our churches been seen on screen so often and never has it been easier for people in the wider community to peep inside our churches and see what goes on inside. Technology has helped us, in part, to hold parts of our church community together at a time when we are distanced and physically stopped from socialising.
It has also been during lockdown that Alan and Claire Yates have been working so hard to put together a new website for us. This site has been designed so that it can be a tool to bring together the traditional and new parts of our benefice. My thanks go to both of them for this wonderful resource for all parts of our Benefice.
We are additionally delighted that Phil Sutters, who has spent several years faithfully maintaining our former website, is going to dedicate the old site as an archive for the benefice and continue supporting us with our national online presence with the Church of England.
Enjoy the new website and join me in giving thanks to God for technologically able people!