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The word pray is first found in Middle English, meaning to "ask earnestly." It comes from the Old French preier, which is derived from the Latin word precari, which simply means to entreat or ask. In fact, although pray is not often used this way anymore, it can simply mean “please,” as in “pray continue your story.” Prayer is a form of communication, a way of talking to God or to the saints. Prayer may be formal or informal. While formal prayer is an important element of Christian worship, prayer itself is not synonymous with worship or adoration.


The parish churches in this benefice are as much built with prayer as they are with flint and stone. Both St Peter's and St Andrew's were built on pre-Christian sacred sites and any people speak of sensing the great rivers of prayer that have continued, virtually unbroken, for hundreds and hundreds of centuries. 


We welcome you to join us for led and gathered prayer, or to come in and light a candle or sit quietly when the churches are open. You can look at the services schedule to check when the churches are open or holding services. We also lead prayer during the week through the St Peter's Facebook page. 

Prayer Angel.HEIC

If you have someone or something that you would like us to pray for, then please do get in touch. We would be delighted to offer prayers on your behalf and if you wish add the intercession to the prayer list in our churches.


Morning Prayer

We say Morning Prayer every morning at 9.30am inside St Peter's Church and broadcast this on the livestream through the Facebook Page Facebook Live


Breathing Space

We keep silence in St Peter's, every Monday at 6pm and on the last Friday at 5pm in St Andrew's. All are welcome to this time of silent prayer and meditation. Click the pdf for the guide.

Meeting Link:


Meeting ID: 851 6436 0499 Passcode: letmein

Rosary Group

We pray the Rosary together on every Tuesday evening at 6.30pm in St Peter's Church

Compline Night Prayer

The Compline Booklet can be downloaded by clicking the PDF symbol here. 

Join the parish in praying Night Prayer on Monday, Wednesday and Friday

on Facebook Live at 8pm


DecemberPrayer Diary

We produce a monthly prayer diary for the church. Click the pdf to download


Morning Prayer

We say Morning Prayer every morning at 9.30am inside St Peter's Church and broadcast this on the livestream through the Facebook Page Facebook Live


Breathing Space

We keep silence in St Peter's, every Monday at 6pm and on the last Friday at 5pm in St Andrew's. All are welcome to this time of silent prayer and meditation. Click the pdf for the guide.

Meeting Link:


Meeting ID: 851 6436 0499 Passcode: letmein

Rosary Group

We pray the Rosary together on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evening at 2pm in St Peter's Church

Compline Night Prayer

The Compline Booklet can be downloaded by clicking the PDF symbol here. 

Join the parish in praying Night Prayer on Monday, Wednesday and Friday

on Facebook Live at 8pm


December  Prayer Diary

We produce a monthly prayer diary for the church. Click the pdf to download

A Prayer for our Parishes...

O Faithful God,

as your people we cherish our memories and our histories as sacred gifts.


We ask you to guide us in our times of transition. 

We need your wisdom that we might be receptive to change conversion and growth.


We need your grace to redirect our hearts that we might be willing to offer ourselves in service. Do not allow our fear, ignorance or pride to limit the work of your Spirit. Do not allow custom or clinging to the past prevent the creativity within us from bearing great fruit.


Open our hearts to God, to the call of the Gospel, and to a shared vision of your reign. Give us courage and renewed hope that we may meet the challenges of being your faithful followers, united in baptism, we pray this through Christ our Lord.




There are lots of wonderful resources out there to help you pray. You can download here our own guide to silent prayer, or explore the links below for teaching, cycles of prayer, and forms of prayer. 


Daily Prayer from the Church of England (modern or traditional)


Daily Ignatian Prayer with scripture from Sacred Space


A Collection of Prayers for Perpetual Adoration


Art and Theology - reflections using painting, poetry and more


Pray as you go - Daily Podcasts


Celtic Daily Prayer from the Northumbria Community


A Collection of Prayers - a collection of prayers, ancient, modern and traditional


How to pray the Rosary


Our guide to silent prayer:


We are two friendly churches located amongst the beautiful scenery of Sussex. We welcome people of all ages and backgrounds, offering religious support for those who seek it. We hold regular services throughout the week and host life events upon arrangement. Please get in touch or follow our social media pages to find out more.

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St Peter's East Blatchington

Belgrave Road


BN25 2HE

Reg. Charity No. 1173506


St Andrew's Bishopstone

Bishopstone Road


BN25 2UD

Reg. Charity No. 1196160





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