Safeguarding is the way that young people and vulnerable adults can be given support, advice and protection against people and situations that may harm them or cause them to be worried or distressed.
Each of our two parishes, or church communities, have worked out policies, in line with the policy of the Diocese of Chichester, which shows how the parishes will try to ensure that people who need advice, support or protection can easily and confidentially get that help. We have Safeguarding policies in place for each parish.
In addition, there are other places that people can turn to if they feel they need to get help from someone outside the local community. There are contact details for other sources of help as well as the local parish Safeguarding Officers. These resources may also be accessed by people who are concerned that children or adults they know are at risk or in need of advice or support.
St Peter's Safeguarding Officer:
Zena Maher
Email: safeguardingsaintpeters@gmail.com
TEL: 0773 998 4449
St Andrew's Safeguarding Officer:
Sarah Butler
email: s.e.butler@outlook.com
TEL: 07772 510660
Diocese of Chichester Safeguarding Team:
Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor - Colin Perkins
01273 425 030 / 07500 771210